So Far, So Strange

 In Musical interlude

Jeff Thompson played this evocative song at Jubilee! yesterday, a fitting tune for my 70th birthday. Jeff is also the creator of Shit New Age Guys Say, which has gotten almost 300,000 hits so far on YouTube.

“So Far, So Strange” by Jeff Thompson

Under the unrelenting gaze of who I was in younger days,
I analyze the movie of my life
With exuberance and shame, I scrutinize each frame
To determine what should go under the knife.
But I never seem to get it,
I don’t have the power to edit.
All I can do is write what’s yet to be,
And keep replaying scenes,
Like self-induced recurring dreams,
To search for themes that might predict my destiny.

So far, so strange,
So life is change.
This film unfolds
This tale is told
So full of grace
So interlaced
So long
So far
So strange

The projectionist has fallen fast asleep
And he’s locked the door behind him and nobody has a key
And I’m sitting in the theatre, growing bored.
Cause it’s time to change the real now, and I’ve seen this one before
I’ve seen this one before
I’ve seen this one before

So far, so strange,
So life is change.
This film unfolds
This tale is told
So full of grace
So interlaced
So long
So far
So strange

When it fin’ly becomes clear, the projectionist can’t hear us
And the real is never gonna change itself,
A group of us decides to storm the booth and get inside
And quit relying on the whims of someone else
And it’s no more deja vu
Because it’s down to me and you
Deciding how the movie’s gonna be
Taking back control
In the theatre of our souls
Rewriting roles and taking charge of destiny.

So far, so strange,
So life is change.
This film unfolds
This tale is told
So full of grace
So interlaced
So long
So far
So strange

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