I support Jasmine Beach-Ferrara for Buncombe County Commission
Below is my recent letter to the Asheville Citizen-Times backing Jasmine Beach-Ferrara for Buncombe County Commission.
When Amendment One passed in North Carolina in 2012, many pundits and politicians said it would take decades to change the discriminatory law and give LGBT people marriage equality in our state. Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, however, did not accept this disheartening prediction. Jasmine and the organization she leads, the Campaign for Southern Equality, worked diligently with attorneys and plaintiffs to successfully strike down Amendment One in just two years.

Jasmine Beach-Ferrara
Jasmine had a powerful vision: equality for all our citizens. And she possessed the leadership, organizational skills and courage to make that vision a reality. Now Jasmine is running for public office—the Buncombe County Commission in District 1.
I had an opportunity to work with Jasmine for a few weeks when the lawsuit opposing Amendment One was being filed. I found her to be bright, resourceful, upbeat, attentive and determined. When elected Jasmine will bring these attributes forward as a true public servant, beholden to no political clique, equally representing all the people of our county regardless of race, sex, age, sexual orientation, wealth, religion or political persuasion. If you live in District 1, I strongly urge you to cast your vote for Jasmine Beach-Ferrara in the County Commission race in the March 15 Democratic Primary.
Bruce Mulkey, Asheville
This woman looks and sounds extremely qualified for whatever job she seeks. If I lived in her part of the state I would definitely vote for her.
Having run for political office myself in 2011 and again in 2015 I know how much work is required to engage with voters and get one’s message out. Best of luck in your Campaign and Thank You for running for public office!